Jack Jacking Off




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First things first, this site has my opinions, if you dont like them, or you disagree, get the hell out and on your way dont bother telling me. If you agree with me, then good for you, dont expect me to praise you for liking what I do.

Technical crap:1, this is my first site which I have created using HTML and Java, 2 it is best viewed with IE 4 or later, and with desktop resoloution 1024*768.

If you dont like something, the colour, bad grammar, innapropriate comments, please point them out to me. With thanks to Chri5py for the wicked piccies =).

Due to the fact I have been thrown off numerous message boards because of my opinions, I have made this site (also as a first attempt at using html and java).

Please remember that everything on this site is my OWN opinions, and that I mean no offence to anyone, and also note that it is quite lengthy, so read at your peril....


My opinions on music

My general opinions on a multitude of subjects

Games that I like to play

Links to websites I like

Get in touch with me

The end of my web site

What music do I like?

"Its ALL beeps and beats" yes it is, but are you aware how many different beeps and drum patterns their can be? INFINITE is the answer. The beeps and beats are interlinked into such a huge masterpiece that it is Intelligent Dance Music.

Well, this covers a vaste range of genres and types, I like the music that I grew up with most.

The term widely used as 'Dance' is not what I like, it is a more deeper, intelligent and original type.
It has the kicking beats that give the song so much energy, with cryptic samples being played along with warped melodies and strange loops, 'music for your mind, not your feet' definitely describes it.

Artists such as Orbital, Aphex Twin, u-ziq, LFO, and The Orb are prime examples of this genre. You either love it, or hate it.

"Classical Music for the modern age" is another excellent way to describe IDM (Orbital in paticular). The songs are so well structured, innovative, and utilising such a wide range of styles makes it classical for the modern age.

Here is a site that describes IDM a whole lot better than me. This is even more basic than mine (due to the fact its 8 or something years old), but its word power more than makes up for it.

Some one has argued with me that there are no lyrics, so how do the songs have meanings?. Just by listening to the music shows that you are an individual who wants more from music thatn some unoriginal american rock band that record companies throw at the mass market. Any way, what are the lyrics supposed to mean in rock songs?. As far as I can work out from the american screaming is smashing stuff, disrespecting other people, swearing, and relaying some sort of failed love message. Well, if I wanted that, I would go to any school play ground and listen to the kids talking. Do people really care?. The answer sadly is yes. Rock will hang around like smelly socks in a dank corner of your bedroom.

And for all you morons out there that think IDM is just a few beeps and beats, well you have an extremely shallow mind and an ignorant attitude for not listening to it, mail me and I will point out some classic tracks that truly make IDM Intelligent.

Any one who says that they dont like some rock songs is lying, even I do, although only really one proper rock band, and thats Nirvana (not much after Incesticide), Blur and Beck, not really rock, but has guitar and crap in it.

What music dont I like?

For one thing, I do not like Garage, Trance, or house music. I deem these as little more than rock songs. They are just as unoriginal as the last one and have the same repetitive drone. These genres within dance represent the pop side and are not what I like.

Any thing manufactured. This includes the many generic pop bands that grace the charts world over.
Also 99% of rock bands, they are lame, repetitive, unoriginal and in general, so old and done!. In my experience people who like them are afraid of many things new, they like the expected. Also, I find that this liking for rock is by people who are weak and feeble (not saying im a macho man), they like it to be cool, they take the popular route to fit in, not expressing their individuallity.

Dont get me wrong though, I understand that a great skill is needed to play the cursed thing, but that isnt my point. I also like and respect some classic guitar, but lets face it, its a DEAD HORSE! stop letting these record companies flog it to you!

Rock, Trance, Garage and House have 2, at most 3 and very rarely 4 things / layers of repetitive music in the song. IDM has 4-8 layers going on at the same time, completely in sync and sounding like real music. Or IDM has changing loops and beats, making the whole song an ever changing masterpiece.

Maybe people like this music because its a kind of rebellion against stuff, but why like it for that? It sounds cack and un original. IDM has got to be the best music, because of its easy listening and originality.

Rock I suppose is more socially acceptable, its something that people have seen throughout their lifetimes and so are not afraid of it, so when new music comes along, its shunned out, record companies see this and shove as many rock bands of their production line to make more money......bloody fat cats.

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What annoys me?

Well, many things annoy me!, any music groups there to make money, their sole purpose is to make money. Obviously for many bands they need to mke money to survive, but im talking manufactured bands. In my opinion the uk music scene is just full of american pop, british pop and lame indie that has made some sort of revival. In 1996 when Indie was at its peak, I liked most of the bands, the indie music gradually drifted apart in 1998 to be overtaken by dance, this lasted very briefly before the every evil pop music regained its perch. Now in 2001 american pop rock bands dominate with their empty same as each other sounding guitar stuff. Dance could have evolved and more genres within it come out, so artists like Orbital and Aphex Twin could get more widely apreciated, and the whole music scene would explore new types for the masses. But now, we are back to the rut, same unoriginal music, that isnt even BRITISH!. Why dont people realise this? (see my section on music I dont like).

MTV:2. The so called "alternative music television...for people who dont like pop" or something. Well, these people suck big time, one of their adverts said that it is there for people who do not like pop music, yet video clips included The Gorillaz and Limp Biscuit.....ok then MTV:2, if thats alternative, Orbital and Aphex Twin are so underground that they have burnt away due to the extreme temperatures of the earths core. But, they do play a fair share of Aphex, and do some good things at 2 or so in the morning, but its full of american crap, so I dont like it.

Despite not being popular, the music I like I prefer to be unpopualr, the bands may change their music to please their new fan base. I would also need to put up with lame people who only like it because it is the in thing.

Religions...they are full of hypocritical statements and beliefs. I think many things about philosophy, life, existence, why are we here?, and other such things, after many times thinking about it, I cannot see how there can be a god. Why do so many people put so much blind faith into something which hasnt been proven?. The answer surely must be because they are scared, scared of dying and what comes after. Im sure that many full time followers are there for the ride to heaven or to feel wanted in a comunity.

Who is to say what religion is right?

If God existed, why doesnt he use his powers now?. He could save thousands of lives and at the same time gain millions of followers. The bible itself is mix of religions from around that area, and written at diffferent times in history, so who can say what has been modified, added or removed. As 7of9 from Star Trek says, 'your logic is flawed', well, in this case 'your religions logic is flawed'. One word to ANY follower of a religion...PROVE IT!. I would'nt mind getting into debates with people, arrange it sometime of you want. But arguments such as proving our existence intrigue me, if god didnt make us, what did?. How did the big bang start if there was nothing?, how can nothing come from nothing?, something must have started it. How can something as complex as a human body be made from random stuff evolving?, such a complex thing would need to have been designed by something. IF there was a god, why does he let so much suffering happen in the world?. Why doesnt he show himself? what is the reason?. Well, if God didnt create life as we know it, what did?. In the begining before time, there was nothing, now there is near to everything. How could this reaction happend if there were was nothing to start it off?.

Arrogant people on message boards, I wont say to much on this subject, but they annoy me imensly. The way they cuss people down and slag them off, and when they get cussed down to badly, they complain and get rid of the free thinking people... it annoys me.

The Monarchy, why is it still here? What does it do for the bristish public? What part does it play in the running of the country?. The answers are, they do f*** all, they are a BURDEN to taxpayers, they play no part in running the country, all I see them as is a tourist attraction. They are worthless now in todays age, they have no power, no governing authority, yet how many million is thrown at them every year?. This has got to stop!. What gives these people the right to live like they do when some of britain is in terrible condition, council estates need to be refurbished, the NHS is badly under funded, and people who require extra income for a disability go without, trelying on the pitance that is sometimes given to fammilies in need. What help are they going to be in a time of crisis?, many people have a failing faith in them so their actions wont be noted in any way. Britain should follow most of europes lead and get rid of them and intergrate them into normal society, or at least put them in a far far back seat and become forgoten, like an industrial hedge trimmer for millwall football club.

These are some anarchy sort of web pages

Hemel Rage A brilliant site, packed with good humor, and very good articles.

MAM The official MAM site

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The shocking truth about the Windsors...

What do I spend my time doing?

Well, this varys a lot, but usually watching tv, on the internet. The tv I am starting to watch again, after a period of 4 months of not watching it, I am now watching a couple of hours a day, during my absence I did not regret not watching tv. TV is mostly american orientated, which annoys me, but what british stuff there is is equally lame.

I play RPG's, which isnt as geeky as it sounds, its a good way to spend time with friends and have a laugh. I play Dungeons and Dragons aswell as Vampire:The masquerade.

Reading a lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy books, authors such as Stephen King and Terry Pratchett. I like to read 200AD which is a Zarjaz comic from the UK which is full of humor, the darker side of the future, grim horror and general sci-fi.

Speaking of RPG stuff, here is an amusing story by Dragon Kidney. Enjoy.

What computer games do I like?


Music Links

AphexTwin.nu This is a very good site about Aphex Twin, a pity I got banned from it!

Autechre.nu This is another well made site for autechre, made by the same people as above

Orbital This is an absolutely brilliant web site about Orbital, so much information on them

The Orb This is a small official, but good site about The Orb

Other Links

Random This is my friends site about a faction in Ultima Online, Europa Shard

Random This is REFLEX's site, very good, a bit over the top in places, but none the less, worthy of a poke around

Random An Aphex fans website, very good

Random See, Im not the only one who likes IDM!


Well, that was quite a rant wasnt it?, but thats what this site was made for, so I could tell a world wide audience how I feel. I hope I havent offended anyone, but, the disclamer at the top should have provided sufficent warning. I hope you are now a changed individual and can now see things in a different way, or at least with more of an open mind.

Seeing as this is my first attempt at HTML and Java programming, I would be interested if people could help me out, and give pointers, or if you are a complete newbie, rip my hard work off!

Contact me

Chat, Discuss, Argue, Debate, you name it, I am up for it most days!

Email meFind me on

MSNM :compostal@hotmail.com. ICQ:116093813

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Now, heres a couple of quotes that I like a lot, and I think sums up a bit about how we should treat each other and view things:

"We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other."

JB Priestly, An Inspector Calls

"L'hommeest ne libre, et partout il est dans les fers"

Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains

Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Lord Acton (1834-1902)

"What does God say?"

Orbital, Are we here? (1994)

"First you get the sugar, then you get the money, then you get the women"

Homer Simpson

"Ah, to be young and a geek"


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